Javascript Series - Introduction

Javascript Series - Introduction

Hey Friends👋, we're taking off with the JavaScript Zero to Master series for beginners.


This series is designed to help beginners who know nothing about Javascript previously to get started and eventually become professional at using Javascript or for those who want to further sharpen their JS skills.

Road Map

We started our Web development journey by looking at the Web Dev Roadmap WebDevRoadMap.png

In the roadmap above, we're currently focused on frontend development and we've extensively treated HTML & CSS, if you have no idea about the aforementioned, please take out time to watch & practise this video playlist.

Why should I care about JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the most successful, widely-used, and popular languages in the developers eco-system. Thousands of users including NASA, IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, Walmart, Uber, LinkedIn, Netflix, Meta and so on, uses Javascript to build their customer-facing applications or internal tools. It's the most adopted language amidst start-ups as well majorly because, with the knowledge of JavaScript, you can build a lot to scale and can ship products fast. Hence, your knowledge of JavaScript more than any other programming language is able to land you a high paying dev Job or gig.

Concepts we'll be learning

js_concept.png All of the above concepts are going to be well treated in the course of this series.

What project are we building?

At the end of this series, we'll be building a fully functional e-commerce web application.

wesell_home.png Home Page

wesell_cart.png Cart Page

Features of the e-commerce web application include

  • Adding items to the cart
  • Adding items to the wishlist
  • Interacting with browser local storage as our primary storage
  • Reading user products from local storage
  • Dom manipulation
  • JS Event Listeners
  • Multiple prices calculations in real-time and so much more...

I'm so excited about these series, and make sure you're as well!

Upcoming series: Javascript Identifiers.

See you in the next series 😉